Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Nicole D`Incecco
Have come in the yard also artisans who have been at the sturgeon? Yes, yes. Schuster, for example, then the caster, who worked as the hemp. One has the following - which is being created in the room, the chair was great stuff, you know. And since he has worked. So is received that. Jaja. The shoemaker is always come once a year for a few weeks. The carpenter has come, yes, the furniture made. Everything by hand. Without each machine. Once it arrived, yes. For the daughter they have made a bedrooms - they are in the room. The boss who Tischlermeischter and his brother and an apprentice. Three workbenches have been there in the aufgstellt Stube.Ja.